Who is Held Accountable When a Young Boy is Injured at a Sports Park?
Posted by: DFX on May 26, 2017
As you may have read, in mid-March a boy was airlifted to the hospital after he suffered from a serious head injury at a park in West Melbourne, Florida. At this time, there aren’t a lot of details released about the accident but at Gilbert and Smallman we are always on the side of plaintiffs and hope that if the accident was caused by negligence or recklessness, that the guilty party is held accountable.
The details of the accident
While the full details of the accident haven’t been released to the public – and may never be to protect the privacy of the child involved – there are a few things we know. First, we know that the accident took place on March 14 and that one child, a boy, was taken to the closest trauma center in a helicopter by Brevard County Fire Rescue.
We also know that the accident took place at the Space Coast Field of Dreams Sports Park and that it was located in West Melbourne. We don’t know how the injury happened or what the status of the child is. After some digging, we’ve uncovered that the Space Coast Field of Dreams is a non-profit organization and that they are in charge of managing the park, which is specifically for both children and adults who have disabilities.
There are two types of head injuries
There are two main categories of head injuries. First, there are those that involve external injuries, such as when the scalp is cut or injured. The other type is an internal head injury, which can involve the skull but it also involves internal parts of the head including the brain and / or blood vessels in the skull.
In most cases, if a child falls they will only injure their scalp and, though it may bleed a lot, is a relatively minor concern. On the other hand, if an internal head injury happens, it can be very serious because the brain can bleed and / or become bruised.
Who is responsible?
The parents of the injured child don’t have to prove that someone specifically did something to hurt their child in order to file a premises accident personal injury case. Instead, it only needs to be shown that the accident was in full or in part due to the negligence or recklessness of someone else. To learn more, and to get your own free case evaluation, reach out to Gilbert and Smallman today.