If You’ve Been Injured in a Hit and Run Accident You Need to Speak to an Attorney
Posted by: DFX on Mar 24, 2017
Have you been the victim of a hit and run accident? Whether you were driving a car that was hit by another driver who left the scene, or you were a pedestrian struck by a vehicle that didn’t stick around, you may have a case. Your next call should be to the Florida Accident Lawyers, who can offer a free case evaluation and let you know what your specific options are.
Hit and run accidents may not include the restitution you were expecting
It’s common for someone who was injured or had their property damaged in a hit and run accident to assume that if the person responsible is caught, that they can sue them for damages. While this is true, it’s only true so far as real damages are concerned. Put another way, if you sue someone for damaging your car and then fleeing the scene, the fact that they fled the scene will not increase the amount of your award.
Hit and run accidents are criminal acts
That said, it’s not true that a person who decides to leave the scene of an accident has the same punishment as someone who stuck around. The fact is that in Florida, it’s illegal to leave the scene of a crime. As a result, anyone who does so can face significant legal consequences. The point is simply that the compensation available in a personal injury case isn’t increased by the act of the hit and run.
What if you never find out who was responsible for the hit and run accident?
Of course, the best-case scenario is that you’d eventually discover who was responsible for the hit and run accident. Unfortunately, this is not typically that case. The good news is that you should still have options. Most car insurance policies do offer some compensation for hit and run accidents. It may require a few extra legal hoops to jump through, but it’s likely you have coverage.
At Gilbert and Smallman, we have experience with hit and run accidents, pedestrian accidents, and auto accidents of all types. Whether you need help going after your own insurance company to get the hit and run coverage you’re entitled to, or you need to sue the person who damaged your property and left, we are here to help. Get in touch with us today for your free case evaluation.