My Son Hurt Himself Skateboarding
Posted by: DFX on Sep 09, 2015
As many children end up doing at some point as they grow up, my son got hurt while playing one day. He broke his ankle skateboarding. Sometimes, letting your kids be kids means that they get hurt. It was terrible to see my child in pain, but I am thankful that he healed perfectly and that we can now chalk it up to a learning experience (and a good story).
It happened one Saturday morning at the skate park. My son fell while he was trying to grind a rail. He had done it before and had landed it plenty of times. He just adjusted his weight the wrong way, his body went one way, and his board went the other. He had pads on, but you know, not everything was protected. He broke his ankle in multiple places. At the hospital, they found that he needed surgery to pin his bones back together so that they would heal properly. The fact that he had to get surgery so young was scary, but he pulled though without a problem and was out of the hospital in no time.
It was a good thing that we had great health insurance. We were able to get my son the best physical therapy and he was running again in no time. We also took proper precautions so a painful fall wasn’t a disastrous one. Wearing pads is critical if you child wants to participate in extreme sports. My son’s pads protected his head, wrists, and elbows when he fell.
My son is back to skating now and he’s better than ever. He’s already started doing harder tricks than he could do before the accident. The only difference in his skating is that now he wears high-top skate shoes.
Most skate parks should have insurance which should be used in conjunction with your family health insurance. If you find yourself in a situation like this, but feel that an injury may have been the result of some else’s negligence, or even malice, you should not hesitate to contact a qualified attorney to help you.
Call 305-I-AM-HURT to be connected directly to one of our esteemed injury lawyers. We work on contingency fees for injury cases so you will have no out of pocket attorney fees, we only get paid if you reach a settlement or obtain a verdict. Our offices have the experience and communication you need to deal with the at-fault party, insurance companies and medical doctors. For more information about some of our past results on injury cases visit
At Gilbert & Smallman we pride ourselves on service to our clients. Contact us today for your free one on one consult with one of our experienced injury law partners.